Make Me Sell

Here's how it works:

  1. 1. Initial Conversation: We'll start with a discussion where you share the aspirational sale price that would motivate you to consider moving.

  2. 2. Compass Make Me Sell Category: I will add your home to the Compass Make Me Sell category in our extensive Compass database.

  3. 3. Signal to Compass Agents: The Compass Make Me Sell tag signals to other Compass agents that they can contact me.

  1. 4. Agent Outreach: Other Compass agents will reach out if they have qualified buyers searching for a home in your area.

  2. 5. Confidentiality: Your price, property details, and personal information remain completely confidential until you are ready. I’ll connect with the buyer’s agent and present the property details and your aspirational price.

  3. 6. Review Offers: Once I get the best price possible, you and I will review the offer to determine whether you want to move forward with selling.