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Carrie Prickett


License # 361310

Meet Carrie Prickett

A Passion for Renovation, Design, Architecture, and All Things Real Estate.

Carrie graduated from Bradley University with a Bachelor of Science in communications, marketing, broadcasting, and entrepreneurship. After college, she worked in advertising and sales for Chicago media. When she left to become a full-time mother, she also began her career in real estate, investing in renovation properties and short-term rentals. After more than a decade of working in real estate, learning market trends, studying neighborhoods, and becoming particularly adept at design and home valuation, Carrie got her real estate license and shifted into her current role as an agent. Today, her background in the renovation side of real estate and her rich market knowledge give her an edge in her ability to value properties and match clients to homes.

Connecting New Residents to Their Perfect Nashville Neighborhood and Home.

A deeply empathetic person with lived experience moving her family across-state and country numerous times, Carrie specializes in relocation. She understands the challenges of moving, and she has a particular knack for matching incoming residents to neighborhoods and homes that will meet their needs and spark their dreams. Many of Carrie’s clients come from her home city of Chicago, and others hail from the West Coast, the Midwest, the Northeast, and the South.

Committed to the Human Side of Real Estate.

Though real estate is a transaction, it should not feel transactional, which is why Carrie emphasizes the human side of real estate. She learns about her clients’ backgrounds, future goals, interests, values, and priorities. In her mind, she sketches the perfect home for them, outlined by her clients’ lived experience and current location. She can then help anyone, no matter their location or story, find a place that feels like home in the ever-changing, always-interesting, and unique Athens of the South that is Nashville. Carrie is also committed to giving back to the community that has provided such a joyous life for her family, which is why she serves as President of the National Charity League, Greater Nashville, a mother/daughter philanthropic organization. She is also part of the Parent School Network for Father Ryan High School, and she supports many other community programs.